Friday, May 15, 2009

Because He Lives...

OK, I waited way too long since my last post and I have a ton to update. :)

God continues to show His faithfulness.

Last post was right before our stay in Winnipeg. We had an amazing time there with our Judy Ford ("Aunt Judy"). We all love her so much. She is so amazing to have our whole family stay there. We had a concert at the Braeside EMC church Sunday evening and had such a great time with the folks there. On Monday morning (April. 27th) Judy surprised mom and dad by having a couple, Steve and Jackie Masterson from their college days come for breakfast. They had a big influence on my parents in college as Steve was a professor in Counselling. He now heads up Promise Keepers in Canada. We had a really special time with them and we were really blessed to have Steve pray a blessing over our family.

Our family with Steve and Jackie Masterson and Judy Ford:

We left Winnipeg later that morning and over the next two days with a stop in Thunder Bay we traveled to Timmins, Ont. where the Morrissette family had us. We have stopped there the last three years and we have been so blessed by their hospitality. Mrs. Morrissette always makes the most amazing feasts for us all. One of the meals included three different types of mouth watering lasagna. :)

On Wednesday (April. 29th) night we had a concert in the Renaissance Public Secondary School in Timmins. It always amazes us how God brings just the right people who really seem to need to hear the Lord speak to them through the music or testimonies. We love the opportunities to pray with people or encourage them somehow. It was neat that a lady who was a caretaker at the school had bought our cd's last year. She told us that she played them almost everyday for two months! She said they still listen to them in the school while they work. She didn't even know that our concert was scheduled that night, and so she was so happy to be there while we were singing.

Thursday morning (30th), while we were still with the Morrissettes, we had the pleasure of meeting up with our friends the Hemmerlings (Double Portion) who are a family band from Saskatchewan. We had a great time visiting with them for a couple hours. Its really encouraging to see God working through their ministry.

Visiting with Morrissettes and Hemmerlings:

With the Hemmerlings (Double Portion) at the Morrissettes:

Later that day we left Timmins to go to Charlton which was a couple hours south. We stayed with the Minnett family there. We had a concert in Charlton at the public school on Friday night.
Friday morning the Minnetts took us to a fish hatchery to do a tour. It was really interesting.

At the hatchery:

Eating at the Minnetts:

Saturday (May. 2nd) we left the Minnetts and traveled to the Hounsome family.

We were with the Hounsomes for 12 days and had such a spiritually refreshing time with them. They have 14 kids with 12 still at home.Throughout our time there we studied James 1 together in our devotional time.

Our first concert with them was at the Church on the Hill in Orillia on Sunday night. It was great to have some non-Christians there that night that received the message.

Tuesday we all went to the blue jays game. It was an edge of your seat game that had the blue jays have a dramatic comeback that included two big home runs.

Lining up at the gate:

Some of us made the jumbotron again this year. :) (photo courtesy of Shayne Hounsome)

After the game all the younger kids (12 yrs. and under) were allowed to run around the bases on the field. My little buddy Judah insisted that I hold his hand while he ran around the bases. The jays staff said I was allowed to go with him if he wanted me to. I was happy to oblige :). It was a little awkward though as the moment he hit first base he let go of my hand and started running as fast as he could leaving me chasing him with all these little kids around me. :)

Trying to catch up to Judah. :D

Emz and I in front of the dugout:

Wednesday we had a concert in Barrie. It was really encouraging to see so many families at that concert. Thanks to the Kiezebrinks for all their work and preparations!

The ladies singing, "Daddies Love Your Little Girls" in Barrie:

"Come Ye Children":

Amy singing, "What Happy Is".

Friday we had a concert at the Above Rubies retreat at camp crossroads where Nancy Campbell was speaking. Mrs. Hounsome coordinated the weekend and apparently they had a great time. All the guys stayed at the Hounsome place over the weekend and did guy stuff. Like dodge ball with tennis balls, hamburgers with only ketchup and mustard, etc. :)

Sunday we picked up our girls and headed over to Huntsville to do a concert there. The Strongman family hosted. Sunday was also Mother's Day and I am so grateful for my mom. She has invested so much into all of our lives and I couldn't ask for a more genuine, loving mom.

Having dinner with the Strongmans on Mother's Day:

In the afternoon we played some intense ball hockey with them. In the evening we had a concert in the their baptist church which was packed out. It was so great to see our dear friends Jim and Marilyn McDonald there.

Back at the Hounsomes on Monday night we had a special steak supper.

Our friend Joe Jesseau (left) giving me a guitar lesson. :)

Amy and Hannah with Bonna and Nina Hounsome:

Tuesday (12th) evening we had a concert in Newmarket. Our friends that gave me my upright bass two years ago were there and it was awesome to connect with them again.

Singing "More Alive" in Newmarket:

Wednesday evening the Hounsomes invited over the McDonald family, Andrew Hiebert and Rachel Seilern. We had a really great visit with them all. Andrew is the camp director of Camp Crossroads. He shared a slideshow of his recent mission trip to Ecuador. It was really interesting.

Nekoda Hounsome cracking eggs for breakfast. When almost 30 people are living in the same home you have to do a lot of eggs. :D

The day before we left the little girls decorated "good bye" cakes.

Our last night at the Hounsomes several of us gathered under the stars and sang some worship songs together. It is so awesome to admire God's creation and worship with friends. The last song we sang was, "Because He Lives" and it really impacted me. Zack shared that it was Mark McDonald's favorite song. It's so awesome to have meaning and purpose every day because our Savior is living and reigning right now.

This morning (Friday) we said our goodbyes to the Hounsome family. We had a really blessed time of fellowship with all of them!

Joel, Emz and I with Zack, Gabe and Zoe

At the moment we are traveling to Aylmer to have a concert there tonight.

On a side note, I've been able to keep up with my graphic design business ( on the road thus far and I'm grateful for that. I got a rogers rocket stick so I can have internet access while we are on the road. Like right now. :)

Once again, thank you all SOOO much for your prayers. God has been so good and we really sense His working and direction. Our pure desire for this tour is to be to be used by God and be His servants.