Tuesday, March 17, 2009

March Madness

Hey All,

I've been insanely busy since my last post.

In January Joel, myself and two friends (Stephen Casson and Luke Collin) drove down to San Antonio for the San Antonio Independent Christian Film Makers Academy and Festival. We had an awesome time down there and we were able to network with a lot of Christian filmmakers.

Joel and Kirk Cameron

Nathanial Bluedorn, Stephen Casson, Jeff and Audrey King and Joel at the Academy

Tucker MacDonald, myself, Joel and Luke Collin

February and thus far in March I've been really busy with my graphic design business. I've really gone in the direction of logo design and I've had a hard time keeping up with all the work. It's been amazing to see God's blessing on the business. He is an amazing, faithful provider. Most of my clients are International. You can see some of my business work on my website: www.siahdesign.com

Random thoughts:
I was reading 'USA Today' a couple days ago and came across an article titled, "Psychics make a fortune during uncertain economic times" and it was explaining how soothsayers and fortune tellers have been making a fortune during the recession as they were worried about their financial future. I thought of the story of Saul and how he consulted a soothsayer to inquire about his future and how much that grieved God. Reading the article really made me grateful that we have an all faithful Lord that we know holds the future and that we don't have anything to fret about.

We are planning another eastern tour starting in April. You can see our schedule here. If you out in the area please feel free to contact us if you would like to set up a concert! We are really excited about it but we would appreciate your prayers. Sometimes it seems our family is really under attack right before a tour.

Once we start touring I'll be updating my blog much more often.

In Christ,
