Friday, December 21, 2007

Merry Christmas!!

Hello all!

It's been sometime since my last post! Our family has been very busy of late. We have sang at a few Christmas banquets and done various concerts the past couple months and such in southern Alberta. God has been so good!

I love this time of the year. It brings back so many great memories from my childhood. I just finished buying all my Christmas yesterday. And they are now under the tree.

Something quite special happened to our family this year. We had a phone call from a lady we knew that lived in Milk River saying that an anonymous person had dropped off 12 large packages at her home that the person wanted to have passed on to our family.

So, we picked up all the packages and found a note with them explaining the 12 gifts were for the 12 days of Christmas, and that we were to open on e a day starting on the 13th of December.

Since then we have opened up 9 of the gifts. They have been incredibly perfect and generous gifts!! There have been children's toys, decorations, very nice swiss gear luggage + so many other amazing gifts! One of the favorite days so far was day #7 when Emily opened up a huge package full of 7 expensive deluxe chocolates boxes! We all love chocolate and we are rationing it out over Christmas. :)

(pictured is the delectable chocolate!!!)

Today, I opened gift #9 and there was 9 packs of REALLY nice various socks for the whole family!

If the person that anonymously gave us these special gifts ever reads this blog, we want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for all the time, love and money you have put into these gifts for us! We are so blessed by all of them! May God richly bless you!!