As I'm writing this we are staying at our good friend Judy Ford's in Winnipeg.
God has been so good.
Shortly after my last post we participated in the Alberta Home Educators Association Conference in Red Deer, Alberta (April. 17th-19th). It was a really blessed weekend. Dad, Mom, Jesse and Heidi were some of the speakers at there.
Our family did a concert on the Friday night.
Pictures from AHEA Concert:
Photos courtesy of Rueben Kopp and Phillip Payne
Introducing Everyone:
Amy on her Ukulele with Dad and Hannah:
We came back home for Sunday night and Monday (21st) we left for Regina. We stayed at our good friends, the Durstons, for Monday and Tuesday night. We always have an awesome time fellowshipping with them. We had a concert in Strasbourg, SK on Tuesday night. For some reason it was a really hard concert where it seemed so many things went wrong. Cables popping, etc. But God was working despite our downfalls.
After the concert, a lady approached mom and said she felt the Lord wanted her to give our family her amazing Larivee guitar! We were blown away at her generosity. God is so good.
Mom with Colleen and the amazing guitar she gave us!
Joel and his trademark bowling trip/fall/slide. :)
Judah trying to give the ball enough momentum to make it to the pins:
We left Langenburg on Friday morning and went to Carberry for a concert that evening. We stayed at our good friends place, Will and Carol Feldbusch. Some of us were billeted out to a couple from their church.
Saturday morning we left Carberry and got to Winkler in the afternoon to set up for our concert that evening in Winkler, Manitoba. We had sung there before. Its such a nice place to sing, its a beautiful concert hall that has perfect acoustics. The place was packed out and we really felt the Lord's spirit working in the concert.
Shot from our concert in the Winkler Enns Concert hall:
Well there's a quick run down of the tour thus far!
We have a concert tonight in Winnipeg. As always, your prayers are so appreciated!
In Christ,
1 comment:
Really enjoyed the update, Siah- thanks for sharing the photos! God bless!!
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