Sunday (April. 20th)
We left the Minnett home Sunday morning after a very blessed time with their family in Charlton. We traveled from their home to near Orilia, Ont. to the Hounsome family. We were all so excited to get there and reunite with them! They have 14 kids (12 still at home) and we always have a blast with them! Once we unpacked we met with some of their church at a near by hall and fellowshipped together.
Monday (April. 21st) We chilled out with the Hounsomes which included a lot of jamming together in music and Ultimate Frisbee. In the evening, the Hounsomes sang several songs for us which was a real treat. I love to hear other families do music together.
The Hounsome family singing:
Tuesday (April. 22nd) Zack, Shayne and Gabriel Hounsome took Joel and I out to Orillia to play some squash. That was a blast! A new favorite sport for me. :) Afterwards, they took us out to a really nice restaurant for lunch. Later we met up with our family and set up for that night's concert at 'The Church On The Hill' in Orillia. It went really well. We got to spend time with Jim and Marilyn McDonald. We haven't seen them since their son, Mark, had died. They are sure dear people.
Eating out with Zack, Shayne and Gabriel Hounsome:
Wednesday (April. 23rd) We had a bunch fun more with the Hounsomes. :) Zack (who is about my age) and I, love to eat ice cream together. He bought a bunch of ice cream prior to our arrival. Our special 'emoticon' for wanting ice cream is: :)__ It's a guy smiling and drooling for ice cream. :)__ lol. In the evening, Joe Jesseau came over and jammed for a couple hours and had a really good talk.
Thursday (April. 24th) Thursday evening we did a concert at the Tollendale Village in Barrie.Great turnout, and we really appreciate the work that the Kiezebrinks went to for the concert. Afterwards, we had pizza at the Hounsome home. :)
Friday (April. 25th) We left the Hounsomes in the morning and headed to Hamilton to sing at the OCHEC convention. We arrived there around 2:00 PM. At 5:15 there was a break for supper. We set up for the concert then. Shortly after 7:00 we sang our package of music. We very blessed by their response. It was so cool to be there! There was another speaker after us and once she was done we took our part of the equipment and packed up. We then went to a really cool pita place with the Wulff family. Following the pitas, we went to the Wulff family who had us overnight. We arrived at there home at about 12:30 AM and hit the hay. :)
Singing at OCHEC:
Saturday (April. 26th) We had a really nice time with the Wulffs. They took us canoing and showed us their property. They have a beautiful place! They served us some delicious tacos for lunch. We then left for Fenelon Falls and set up for the Sunday morning concert.
Sunday (April. 27th) We did a concert at the Fenelon Falls Fellowship Baptist church. They have a really neat church there. After singing, they served us dinner at the church. Afterwards, we took down our equipment and headed to Lindsay, Ont to set up at the Fairview Baptist church. After setting up, we were able to head over to our great aunt and uncle Don and Esther Jost and spend some time with them. They are such a sweet couple. We did the concert at 6:30. Right now, Emily, Joel and I have been billeted out to a couple here in Lindsay. They just ordered us pizza and they have wireless internet. :) I better get off my laptop now.
Thanks again to all those who have been praying for us! God has been so good!
Wow ! Looks like your having a great time. We can hardly wait to see you this Friday. See Ya!
We miss you guys already! We had such a blast while you were at our place! It went waay too fast!! ;)Praying for you guys!!
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