-Josiah J.
(Pictured is Myself, Joel, & Emily Jost and Shayne, Zack, Gabe & Zoe Hounsome)
Gabriel Hounsome here. I'm writing this on behalf of Josiah Jost for his blog.
On Saturday the Josts arrived at our place (The Hounsomes), we had a blast!!! After all the greetings, we played "Ultimate Frisbee" Joel ran into the clothes line trying to catch the Frisbee and snapped it, he didn't get hurt... At least that is what he says.
For supper we had two huge sliced up pork’s that were and put on buns, and then we could dress them up. (I'm not as good at describing food as Josiah is )
But the food was really good. After supper we talked a lot!!!
The following day Shayne, Joel and I (Gabriel that is) went to the Home show as "Ecostreet Countertops" representatives. Joel did some filming for a promotional video he is making for us. Someone walked up to him and saw his nice camera and asked "Are you from cable TV?" HAHAHA.
When we got back from the Show we went to the concert hall to setup, that was a blast in itself. We then had fellowship; it was on the first 11 verses of John 8. After fellowship we did a bit of sports "500 Up" with a Frisbee. I didn't participate very much. I caught it once, mind you. Joel scraped up his hand a bit, but again he is alright.
When we got home we turned on the Flames game, unfortunately the Flames lost thus being kicked out of the playoffs, and we then again talked late into the night…. Only to
Today (for it is today that I’m writing this) we played a game of “Soccer” then a game of “Ultimate”, in soccer it was Jonathan and Sharla, Emily, Joshua, Zachary, and I (still me) against everyone else which numbered 9, thus being 9 against 6. We won the “Soccer” game it was a really good game, and then they won the game of “Ultimate” An now they are gone out for a bit and will be back soon, I can’t wait till they are back!!!
Gabriel Josiah David Hounsome
P.S. It is quite a challenge using this laptop, I hardly ever use one.
Good job Gabe. Makes us wish we were there. Sounds like a blast at your house.
I have a question. How can Zach be there when I recently saw his name in the Leth. paper as coming in second in his age group in the 10 mi. road race here?
Josiah: It is really nice that you have this blog.
Good job Gabe!
Since you asked so nicely I thought I would post a comment about what you have posted on Josiah's blog.Sounds like you are all having a blast!Well that is it from me out back in the wild rose country.God Bless!!!
To GPA Frantz:
That is weird, cause Zack never runs 10 mile road races. He does 5KM and he has been here since September of last year
To Luke:
It is a blast!!!! Thanks for the comment.
To Josiah, because he asked me to:
I'm glad you guys are here!!!
BEN SAID nice pic of the bass
Sounds like you guys are having a great trip and good times!
Yes, we have been having an awesome time! Thank you to all who are praying for us!
Great writing makes great reading, thanks Josiah and Gabriel.
I like to follow the Jost family on their trip/adventure and I am glad they're doing fine.
Josiah, the way you write about all that food makes me hungry every time ;)
I used my only Google account that I used for the 419scam, but this is Richard giving expression to his love for coffee and his French name, that is why I “moved” the “silent” H, --Tim Horton-- :)
Thanks for all the work, a safe trip and keep writing here please
Thanks for the comment Richard. We have utilized several Tim Hortons stops across Canada. We love coffee, too. God bless and hope the weather is nice back in Alberta.
oh wait!!!!
(your only upstairs)
Anyhoo..... Im gonna miss you guys.
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