Been really busy the last while. Especially with Joel's film project Little Jake and Hairy. It is a comedy based on the story of Jacob and Esau set in the wild west. Joel's hoping to have it finished in time to submit it to the San Antonio Independant Christian Film Festival.
Here are some pics:
I've also been really busy with my graphic and web design business. Recently relaunched my website:
Poll Results for How Many Siblings You Have
OK, so for the last several months I've been conducting a poll regarding the size of your family.
Here are the final results:
How many siblings do you have?
0-3 | 26 (24%) |
4-7 | 39 (36%) |
8-10 | 26 (24%) |
11+ | 15 (14% |
Total votes: 106
It appears that the minority of readers to my blog have between 4-7 siblings. 0-3 and 8-10 came in tied at 26. And there were 15 votes for 11+ siblings. I was really surprised to see that large of a number for that column. It's encouraging to see a lot of other large families are out there. :)
The next poll I'm conducting is:
"If you could meet one of these Bible characters for one hour today, which one would you choose?"
David, Paul, Esther, Noah, Adam, Jonah, Ruth, Daniel
Please put in your vote!
God bless!