We are home after another awesome tour. So many stories of God's goodness.
The concert in Spokane was very special. God really seemed to bless that evening. What is really neat is that before we left for this tour I had been praying that God would lead at least one person to Him through the ministry of His music. And there was a youth group that came to the concert that night and after the concert a young man left the building very emotional and the youth director later told us that he accepted Christ then. That was so amazing to hear!
The next day we had an evening concert in the small town of Fernwood, Idaho. It is pastored by Brian Primer. His family had us over for supper right before the concert and we slept in the church that night.
On Thursday we arrived in Kalispell, Montana where the Haymond family hosted us. They served us a delicious supper before the concert and helped us set-up. After the concert and tearing down we headed back to their home. They shared some beautiful music for us that night. It was a real treat. We stayed the night there and left in the morning after a great breakfast.
We got home around 9:00 PM Friday night. But, we had to leave Saturday morning for a concert in Strasbourg, Saskatchewan on Sunday. We arrived at the church there in the evening where they had a hot lasagna supper waiting. After supper we set up then were billeted out a few different ways. Me and Josh went to the Danielson home where we had popcorn, talked and watched a bit of Hockey Night in Canada.
Sunday morning we did the concert and it went really well. Afterwards there was a potluck. After tearing down, we headed for home. We got home a bit before midnight. It's been a crazy busy last three weeks! Now, we are trying to catch up with things here at home.
Thank you SOOO much to everyone who helped contribute to our tour! Thanks to all the young people that would help us tear down after concerts, and thanks to everyone who had our family over for a dinner or for staying the night! We met so many great families this tour!
God bless you all!
Until next time,
Josiah Jost