A real desire I have it to protect myself from being exposed to inappropriate/immoral content found in spam and on the Internet. Better to be safe than sorry. I will share a couple of them with you.
#1: Browsing
One area of the Internet that is very hard to predict is the ads. They are often banners or they are on the side. You can be very careful what sites you go to, but sometimes there will be a bad ad at an otherwise safe site. Even some 'Christian' sites have inappropriate ads as their 'sponsors' choose what ads to post.
One safe way to avoid basically ALL ads and ALL pop-ups is to use the Mozilla Firefox browser with the 'Ad-Block Plus' add-on. The ad-blocker software actually PREVENTS ads from even loading up on the page. Both are completely FREE and SAFE to download. And even if you are already used to Internet Explorer, the switch is very easy and only takes a few minutes. It is very easy to import all your bookmarks/favorites, etc.
Instructions: If you do not already use Mozilla Firefox for browsing download it from this link: http://www.mozilla.com/en-US/firefox/ Once downloaded add this 'extension' from this link: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/1865
Once both are installed subscribe to the free Filter Subscription. The 'EasyList (USA)' subscription works the best. (It should automatically ask you which subscription you would like to use.)
#2. Email/Spam
Spam is another very unpredictable danger. If you receive a large amount of spam the odds are that some will have inappropriate content. Never click open a spam email and I HIGHLY recommend to turn the preview pane off on your email client. This way only those messages you deliberately open are displayed. The pictures in spam mails are usually made so spammers can see if you open them and that means a lot of spam. Also, be careful what sites you submit your email address to.
Instruction on how to turn the preview pane off: Outlook Express: Click View Menu > Layout and remove the check mark beside Show Preview Pane. Outlook Express 6.0 offers a "Read all messages as plain text" option. This is a good alternative to disabling the preview pane.
Another suggestion would be to install a spam filter. As with all spam filters, you need to watch it for a while at first to make sure the filter doesn't remove any good emails. If it does, just add the good email to the white-list. I use a software called SPAMfighter. The standard version is free to download and easy to use with Outlook. (download link here: http://www.spamfighter.com/)
Feel free to make a comment if you have any other good ideas or suggestions or questions! God bless as you all continue to honor and glorify Him in every area of your life!